Friday, May 22, 2015


760 United Nations Plaza,
New York 10017, USA.

Tel: +1 (929) 888 - 9298

Your attention, please.

This is to bring to your personal knowledge that the United Nations, IMF, World Bank and European Union and Africa and Asia heads of government have unanimously agreed that all beneficiaries of Inheritance, Compensation, Lottery and Contracts which was stalled or you were unable to receive for the past 6years due to corruption and government bureaucracies will now be paid the sum of US$5.8Million (USD5,800,000.00) as compensation for the delays and financial commitments made by you. A motion was adopted in the last UN General Assembly meeting. Your country's Ambassador/Representative to the UN raised the issue and your name was listed as one of the beneficiaries to receive a total of US$5.8Million. Also we agreed that the HSBC Bank, London, UK will make the payment to you on our behalf. In order to avoid wrong payment to the wrong person, you are therefore to reconfirm your detail to the HSBC bank, immediately.

Your Name in Full:
Current/Contact Address:
Fax(if available):
Copy of your ID:
Alternative Email Address:

And as soon as you filled the above data, please send to:

Contact Person: Peter Reid
Position: Chief Financial Officer, HSBC London
Tel: +442080401178

He will effect a favorable action upon receiving your email. So quickly do the needful and contact him asap. Once again we deeply apologize for the delays you encountered and losses you suffered while trying to receive your rightful fund.

Thank you.

Ban Ki-Moon
Secretary General, UN
New York, USA.

The information in this message is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee. Access to this message by anyone else is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, or distribution of the message, or any action or omission taken by you in reliance on it, is prohibited and may be unlawful. Please delete the message and immediately contact the sender if you have received this message in error.

Email analysis :

NOTE : scanner@atc.local

Taux du Livret A : 1% par an (*) Taux de Profits25 : 7,3%


Prenez le temps de lire ceci, vous n'avez pas grand chose à perdre : "pas de pari en ligne", "pas de bourse", vous pourriez être septique concernant ce mail, il y a tellement de site sur internet qui vous promettent d'être riche rapidement et d'arrêter de travailler. Rassurez vous, si vous nous faites confiance, vous continuerez quand même à travailler !!!!!! Profits25 est parti d'une idée simple : "générer de l'argent par la publicité et surtout faire payer les grandes enseignes" Les grandes enseignes sont prêtes à dépenser de grosses sommes pour communiquer et être vu par un maximum d'individus. Votre travail est simple : une fois inscrit, nous vous proposons de consulter 10 sites par semaine. Vous êtes bien entendu libre de fermer la page publicitaire après qu'elle se soit ouverte, le principal est d'avoir consulté 10 sites par semaine. Statistiquement, sur 100 personnes qui auront cliqué sur une bannière publicitaire (constructeur automobile par exemple), environ 3 s'intéresseront au produit mis en avant par l'enseigne concernée. L'enseigne va rétrocéder (en plus de la cotisation requise pour être présente sur notre site) une commission (au même titre que celle qui aurait rémunéré un commercial) représentant un pourcentage du bénéfice réalisé par cette dernière. Ces 100 personnes vont alors se partager cette commission. Si cette commission représente 200 euros, ces 100 personnes vont récupérer environ 2 euros chacune. Si cette commission représente 150 euros, ces 100 personnes vont récupérer environ 1,50 euros chacune. Vous pouvez constater qu'on ne parle pas ici de milliers d'euros, "qui va petit va loin !" , vous comprendrez par la suite ! Pour obtenir l’accès à notre site publicitaire, il vous faut obtenir un "coupon publicitaire", le premier coupon que vous achèterez vous coutera 27 euros. Cette dépense sera la seule si vous le souhaitez, ainsi et pour les septiques : si ceci se révélait être une arnaque, vous aurez perdu "27 euros" MOINDRE MAL Les intérêts (ou commissions) sont payées chaque vendredi, vous récupèrerez donc au bout de 8 à 10 semaines les 27 euros dépensés pour le premier coupon. Ces intérêts sont comptabilisés sur un compte à votre nom. Une carte de retrait fonctionnant dans n'importe quel distributeur vous sera proposée (valeur : 15 euros la première année, 13 euros les suivantes). Nous vous conseillons d'attendre 5 à 6 semaines de plus avant de la commander, ainsi, c'est avec les intérêts (commissions) acquis que vous commanderez cette carte. 8 à 10 semaines de plus et vous achèterez (toujours avec les intérêts gagnés) un coupon publicitaire de plus : 2 coupons = 2 fois plus de commission ou intérêt Je vous laisse calculer seul la suite. Vous pouvez bien entendu acheter plus de coupon publicitaire dès votre inscription afin d'augmenter le rendement. Néanmoins et afin d'obtenir votre confiance, nous vous conseillons de n'en prendre qu'un ou deux et de vous assurer de la fiabilité du système avant d'en prendre d'autres. Concrètement, nous vous donnons la possibilité de gagner un peu d'argent (quelques euros !) dans les 6 mois qui viennent puis un peu plus dans les 6 suivants, etc..., le tout pour 2 à 3 minutes de votre temps chaque semaine (en gros : 2 heures par/an). Pour ceux qui achètent régulièrement des jeux de grattage, essayez de calculer ce que vous avez dépensé depuis le premier ticket acheté et ce que vous avez gagné en tout ! Ce système orchestré par l'état n'est qu'un impôt déguisé que vous acceptez de payer sans broncher, seulement 1% d'entre vous se dira qu'il a gagné plus d'argent qu'il n'en a dépensé. Le grand gagnant de se système est l'état lui même ! Tant de dictons nous font comprendre que l'argent ne tombe pas du ciel et que la chance ou le hasard ne fonctionne que pour une minorité d'entre nous alors : Provoquez l'avenir mais sans prendre de risque ! Il faudra peut-être deux ou trois ans avant que le fruit de tout ceci se fasse remarquer mais le principal est de construire quelque chose de solide ! Le plus important dans une maison sont les fondations : "qui va petit va loin !" A vous de jouer ou pas ! (27 euros représente une dizaine de jeu à gratter !!!!!, à vous de voir si vous préférez les donner à l'état) Afin de bénéficier d'avantages sur l'achat de vos premiers coupons, entrez le code BONUS025 dans la case "Pseudo Parrain" Attention à la syntaxe "BONUS" en lettre capitale et "025" (zéro deux cinq), si vous vous trompez dans la syntaxe, vous ne pourrez pas revenir en arrière ! Remplissez tous les champs requis et "au plaisir de recevoir vos commentaires dès que vous aurez touché vos premiers intérêts" Gardez à l'esprit qu'environ 2 euros par semaine représente plus de 100 euros par an ! Voici le lien d'inscription : ***

Petit rappel des étapes :

Une seule dépense de départ de 27 euros, Intérêts payés (sur un compte ouvert à votre nom) chaque vendredi, Dès que vous obtenez 15 euros d'intérêts (en quelques semaines), utilisez les pour commander votre carte de retrait, Continuez chaque semaine à cliquer sur les dix bannières publicitaires requises (surtout aucune obligation de commander quoi que ce soit !!!!), Votre carte arrivera à votre domicile dans un délai de 6 semaines environ, Entre temps, d'autres intérêts seront venu compléter votre compte vous permettant d'acheter un autre coupon, Puis, dès que vous aurez reconstitué en intérêt votre somme de départ de 27 euros et si votre carte est arrivée : Allez faire un retrait dans un distributeur et c'est l'argent en main que vous comprendrez que vous avez pris un petit risque qui finalement n'en était pas un ! Envoyez nous vos commentaires par mail.

A vous de voir maintenant !

Ps : nul besoin pour certains qui en auront l'idée d'acheter des centaines de coupons publicitaires, ce site a été mis en place pour prendre l'argent des grands de ce monde
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Email analysis :


Attn: My Dear,

Attn: My Dear,

I am Mrs Connie Dutton, I am a US citizen, 51 years Old. I reside here in Silver Springs Florida. My residential address is as follows. 7008 E Hwy 326 Silver Springs Florida 34488, United States, am thinking of relocating since I am now rich. I am one of those that took part in the Compensation in Benin many years ago and they refused to pay me, I had paid over US$40,000 while in the US, trying to get my payment all to no avail. So I decided to travel down to Benin with all my compensation documents, And I was directed to meet Barrister Johnson Lee, who is the member of COMPENSATION AWARD COMMITTEE, and I contacted him and he explained everything to me. He said whoever is contacting us through emails are fake. He took me to the paying bank for the claim of my Compensation payment. Right now I am the most happiest woman on earth because I have received my compensation funds of $2,500,000.00 Moreover, Barrister Johnson Lee, showed me the full information of those that are yet to receive their payments and I saw your email address as one of the beneficiaries, that is why I decided to email you to stop dealing with those people, they are not with your fund, they are only making money out of you. I will advise you to contact Barrister Johnson Lee.

You have to contact him directly on this information below.

Name : Barrister Johnson Lee(Esq)
Phone +229 98797528

You really have to stop dealing with those people that are contacting you and telling you that your fund is with them, it is not in anyway with them, they are only taking advantage of you and they will dry you up until you have nothing. The only money I paid after I met Barrister Johnson Lee was just US$460 for the paper works, take note of that. As soon as you contact him he will send you the payment information which you are to use in sending the payment to him in order for him to obtain the document from the court of law there in Benin so that your fund can be transfer to you without any delay just the way mine was being transfer to me. Send him the following details if you know you are ready to have your FUNDS so that as soon as he receive your information he will send to you the payment details for sending him the $460 USD that is needed for him to get the document that is needed to make the transfer a successful one, and that is the only payment i made to Barrister Johnson Lee and he helped me in the transferring of my FUNDS and i must say that you have to contact him so that he will help you the way he helped me to Get my FUNDS without any further payment.

Fill Out the information to him if you are ready to get your FUNDS

Your Full Name:...............
Direct Phone:....................
Occupation:................... ..

Once again stop contacting those people, I will advise you to contact Barrister Johnson Lee so that he can help you to Deliver your fund instead of dealing with those liars that will be turning you around asking for different kind of money to complete your transaction.

Thank You and Be Blessed.

Mrs Connie Dutton.
7008 E Hwy 326 Silver Springs
FLorida 34488, United States

Email analysis :


business leads

How are you? need more clients?
We can find you more clients for your business by our emailing services.

Please reply for pricing and proposal.
Looking forward to your soonest reply.

Best Regards

Email analysis :



Hi there.

I saw your website and I'm very interested in working for your company.

Please see my CV.
Sincerely yours,

Sent from my iPhone

Email analysis :


Thursday, May 21, 2015


Dearest One

My name is Miss Olivia Williams; I'm 25years old originated from Sudan. My father Dr. Justin Williams was the former Minister for SPLA Affairs and Special Adviser to President Salva Kiir of South Sudan for Decentralization. My father Dr. Justin Williams and my mother including other top Military officers and top government officials had been on board when the plane crashed on Friday May 02, 2008. I am in position of US$5. Million which I inherited from my late father, I want you to help me receive the money in your account also help me invest it in your country. I will offer you 20% for your kind assistance to me. Reply Me Here Please:

Best Regards,

Miss Olivia Williams

Email analysis :

NOTE : Received : (from hanadmin@localhost)
NOTE : by (8.12.9/8.9.1)

Good Day

Good Day

I am Mr. Issa Mohammed, manager in charge of audit and account section of Bank international bicia-b, Ouagadougou branch, here inBurkina Faso. I have an obscured business suggestion for you. I am here-by seeking your service in helping me receive a large amount of money and in giving a clear research and feasibility studies on areas i could invest on. Your services will be compensated with 50% of the amount you are receiving, and you will be a Partner, if your recommendation is accepted. As a bank employee, I cannot operate any personal investment till i am retired and with the Anti-corruption Bill passed in Burkina Faso; it is risky for a fixed income earner to own any huge amount of money in Burkina Faso or any foreign country. It is then advisable to invest in any foreign land secretly and patiently wait retirement.

Contact me immediately for further confidential correspondence through
My dearest regards

Issa Mohammed

Email analysis :

NOTE : X-Terra-Karma : -2%
NOTE : X-Origin :

Did you authorize her?

Did you authorize her?

Did you ask Lynn hardy to claim your $3.215,995 on your behalf ?

Reply to this

Email analysis :

NOTE : X-Yahoo-Newman-Property : ymail-4
NOTE : Received : by;


ATTENTION: Beneficiary,

Be Informed From This Notice That Upon The Resuming Of Offices and The Meeting Heeled today, It Was Announced By The Federal Ministry Of Finance Headquarter That Every Unclaimed Fund Owned By Foreigners or compensation Should Be Released To Them and has mandated United Bank of Africa(UBA) to issue ATM Debit Visa Card to enable you withdraws your all your Fund for any ATM Machine in any part of world with the help of International Fund Monitoring (IFM). The ATM Debit Visa Card has been processed by the United Bank of Africa(UBA) and ready for delivering to you. Note The Delivering charges has been paid and you required to call them immediately for more information's.

Contact the United Bank of Africa(UBA) with your full information; Name; Address; Tel; and the copy of ID Card for delivering of the card to you: United Bank of Africa Director Rev: DOM JULIUS Email:( Phone Number:+229 96175519: Contact and call him now for confirmation for delivering of the Debit Visa Card to you.

Thanks and my regards
MS.Mary Martins

Email analysis :

NOTE : Received : from
NOTE : ( [])
NOTE : by



Vous avez un colis au bureau de poste. Vous disposez d'un délai de 72 heures pour récupérer votre colis ,Sinon il sera retourné à l'expéditeur . Veuillez nous envoyer les 4 codes de confirmation en appelant 0899 230 079 pour valider l'envoi à domicile

N.B : Merci de nous envoyer les codes de confirmation à l'adresse mail suivante :



Chronopost 2015

Email analysis :

NOTE : Received : from ([])
NOTE : Received : from (unknown []) by (Postfix)
NOTE : X-Http-Client :



Please review the attached invoices and pay them at your earliest convenience. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Thank you.

Email analysis :

NOTE : Received : from []
NOTE : (port=19367 helo=[])
NOTE : by

Virus analysis :

AVG FakeAlert
AVware Win32.Malware!Drop
Ad-Aware Trojan.GenericKD.2427700
Avast Win32:Trojan-gen
Avira TR/Crypt.Xpack.230760
Baidu-International Trojan.Win32.BitWall.ia
BitDefender Trojan.GenericKD.2427700
Cyren W32/Trojan.RXVE-1253
DrWeb Trojan.Click3.12191
ESET-NOD32 Win32/TrojanDownloader.Agent.BEL
Emsisoft Trojan.GenericKD.2427700 (B)
F-Prot W32/Trojan3.PUX
F-Secure Trojan.GenericKD.2427700
GData Trojan.GenericKD.2427700
Ikarus Trojan.Crypt
K7AntiVirus Trojan ( 7000000c1 )
K7GW Trojan ( 700001211 )
Kaspersky Trojan-Spy.Win32.BitWall.ia
Malwarebytes Trojan.Upatre.DG
McAfee Downloader-FAUU!06DC3128D83A
McAfee-GW-Edition New Malware.jj
MicroWorld-eScan Trojan.GenericKD.2427700
Microsoft TrojanDownloader:Win32/Ruckguv.A
Panda Trj/Chgt.O
Qihoo-360 HEUR/QVM19.1.Malware.Gen
Sophos Troj/Invo-Zip
Symantec Infostealer.Limitail
Tencent Win32.Trojan.Fakedoc.Auto
TrendMicro-HouseCall Suspicious_GEN.F47V0520
VIPRE Win32.Malware!Drop
ViRobot Backdoor.Win32.S.Agent.52736.AF[h]
nProtect Trojan.GenericKD.2427700



We have deposited the check of your fund ($2.700`000`00USD) through Western Union department after our finally meeting regarding your fund, All you will do is to contact Western Union director Dr.Michael Fidel via E-mail:( He will give you direction on how you will be receiving the funds daily.Remember to send him your Full information to avoid wrong transfer such as,

YOU’RE NAME___________
YOU’RE AGE/SEX_____________
ID COPY_______

Though,Mr Michael David has sent $5000 in your name today so contact Mr.Michael Fidel or you call him +229-68 82 21 90, as soon as you receive this email and tell him to give you the Mtcn, sender name and
question/answer to pick the $5000 Please let us know as soon as you received all your fund,

Yours sincerely


Email analysis :

NOTE : Received : from
NOTE : ( [])
NOTE : by (Postfix)


Garden Extn. Near Tagore Garden Metro Station.

Attention beneficiary,

We are here to notify you that after the meeting held on 5Th january, 2015. The ministry of finance and his excellence the president of federal republic of Benin Dr yayi bonii. Has instructed this department to send your funds through money gram remitting office transfer world wide,

For easier receive of your inherited funds without any further delay. Since you was unable to receive your money through western union due to their management but now we have sent your full compensation payment of $6.500.000.00usd to you through money gram. You will be receiving 10.000.00usd per day, but we want you to contact the management in money gram right now, to avoid paying money to the fraud stars that is going on through the world because we have arranged your payment of ($6.5 millions) six millions five hundred thousand united state dollars, to be sent to you today through money gram transfer payment. Your payment will send to you by money gram, for your information the director of administrator trust funds have already signed your payment, now you are free to comply with money gram payment office on this email( however, kindly contact the below person who is in position to release your payment by money gram. Per day (10.000 used). Vital finance bank money gram transfer department.

Location address; plot 1261, adeola Hopewell street co/b/rep,
Contact person: Mr.Chris Daniel
Tele phone fax number: +229-99932478

Please don’t fail to call this phone immediately you contact to enable director process your payment email address ( financial money gram payment canter has been mandated to issue out your payment and you have to stop any further communication with any other person(s) or office(s) to avoid any hitches in receiving your payment, So be advice to contact them immediately you get this email now because every thing has been done ok. and for your information once again note: that this is not one of those Nigerian African scams that all they are after is to ripe you off your money and at the end you will not receive your funds, but note that this is no scam and is directly from the our president of federal republic of Benin Dr yayi boni Office to serve you better.

You’re name________
Office Phone no ________
Home phone no_________
Address/city _______
Age/sex ___________
id card _____________
Your religion _________

Try to Call this phone number: +229-229-99932478 immediately you receive this email to enable the Director give you payment MTCN or email him now so that he can provide the money gram information to you as urgent as you can. Also do let me know immediately they have started sending your money, but try to comply with them to enable them serve you better.

Thanks, IMF
Thanks and God bless.

Email analysis :

NOTE : X-Originating-Ip : []
NOTE : Received : from (mv-osn-hkg004 [])
NOTE : by (Postfix) with ESMTP

Rép :Attn:Sir/Madam,


This letter is written to you in order to change your life from today. I am Mr MARK FRED the Director, International Remittance Department of this Bank, my Boss, Mr. John Ike, the Managing Director/CEO of this Bank is now on compulsory leave and all power have been vested on me to make all international payments. Also, due to reported cases of corrupt practices in other Nigeria Banks including the Central Bank of Nigeria, the Federal Government has revoked/cancelled all power vested on those Banks and have appointed our Bank (Union Bank of Nigeria) to make all foreign payments. Your fund has been in this bank for many years unclaimed because my boss Mr. John Ike, have refused to tell you the truth on how to claim your fund this is because he has been using the interest accumulated from your fund every year to enrich himself without your knowledge.

I want to help you pull out this fund to your bank account using the easiest and the quickest method, which have not been made known to you before. By this method, you will open a domiciliary account with this Bank (Union Bank of Nigeria ), your fund would be lodged into this disciplinary account and your fund will be paid in directly to any Bank of your choice. After the transfer,you will confirm the fund in your Bank account within 5hours the same day. No Cost of Transfer (COT) and no stoppage from any Government departments as the transfer will be done within the bank alone and it is very safe.

The method which was introduced to you before is the Telegraphic Transfer (TT)for which confirmation was 48hrs, because of the time factor, petitions could come from various organizations stopping your payment and asking you to pay huge fee which would be difficult for you to pay so that they can benefit from the huge interest your fund generates while still in the Bank. This method is not safe for you because it is not done within the bank alone as information of the payment would be sent to the Central Control Unit (CCU) of the Federal Ministry of Finance and office of the Accountant General of the Federation. As a good Christian, I have nothing to gain by keeping your fund,I want to assist you receive your fund before my boss resumes office. You have to follow up and work with me now, so keep this very confidential because of fraudsters and impostors who go about presenting various bank accounts in order to divert another beneficiary's fund. Confirm to me through this e-mail address, ( your present/valid account co-ordinates and Amount to be claimed so that I do not transfer your fund to the wrong Bank Account.

Awaiting your quick response.

Yours Truly,

Email analysis :

NOTE : Received : from User ([])
NOTE : by SERVIDOR.exfaga.local with Microsoft SMTPSVC


How are you? need more clients?
We can find you more clients for your business by our emailing services.

Please reply for pricing and proposal.
Looking forward to your soonest reply.

Best Regards

Email analysis :

NOTE : (
NOTE : Received : from (
NOTE : Message-Id : < * >



Please advise me if you will be interested in the business attached.

Donald Lukeman

Email analysis :

NOTE : Received : by;

We Are Ready to Finance Your Project.


We are ready to finance your project. We offer flexible financial packages for various projects by passing the usual and formal procedures. We are willing to provide financing for up to 500 Million USD and above depending on the nature of business. We are currently providing funds. We would like you to provide us with a comprehensive business plan for our team of investment expert review. We take 3% founders fee if you get funded or receive the loan

* Business Start-up
* Business Acquisition
* Business Expansion
* Commercial Real Estate purchase
* Contract Execution, etc

Do reply through our private email: if you have need for our investment facility for further discussion.

Best Regards,
Mohammed Rahman
Dubai United Arab Emirates.

This e-mail and any attachments may contain confidential and privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail, delete this e-mail and destroy any copies. Any dissemination or use of this information by a person other than the intended recipient is unauthorized and may be illegal.

Email analysis :

NOTE : Received : from (

Do You Need A Loan

We are offering Affordable Certified, trustworthy, reliable, efficient, fast, dynamic and a co-operative Financial Assistant to the general public, We give our Customers loan at 3% interest rate monthly. This noble firm has contributed to the Asian market as well, if you wish to apply with us kindly contact us for more details via email at:

Mr.Abubaka Salami

Email analysis :

NOTE : Received : from [] (port=11332 helo=User)
NOTE : by



I wish to notify you again, that you were listed as a beneficiary to the total sum of $11.000,000.00 (Eleven Million United states dollars) in the codicil and last testament of the deceased (Name now withheld since this is my second letter to you).

I contacted you because you bear the same surname identity and therefore can present you as the beneficiary to the inheritance therein. I therefore reckoned that you could receive this fund, as you are qualified by your name.

I request that you forward to me immediately, your full name and occupation, current telephone and a forwarding address, to enable me file all the necessary documents at the high court probate division, for the release of this sum of money to you.

Get back to me through my email: {} for more discussion.

Best regards
Barrister Frank Stefan.

Email analysis :


Vous avez une démarche à accomplir

Cher(e) Client(e),

Nous allons prochainement basculer l'envoi des ordres de prélèvement de vos factures Free au nouveau format de carte bancaire. Vous avez une démarche à accomplir cliquez sur le lien intitulé Pour régler votre impayé,

Espace abonné

Sincères salutations.

L'équipe Free

Email analysis :

NOTE : Received : by (Postfix, from userid 100)
NOTE : X-Mailer :

Phishing analysis :


Dear Package Owner,

Dear Package Owner,

This is to inform you that your package is with us and the content of the package is an ATM VISA CARD which is valued of $5,200.000.00.The package was ordered by the World Compensation committee so contact Dr.Chris Lawson, E-mail: ( And forward your delivery address and contact phone no#

looking forward to hear from you soon

contact Dr.Chris Lawson for urgent attention.

thank you.

Mrs Patricia

Email analysis :

NOTE : Received : from
NOTE : ( []) by


Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Anti-Terrorist And Monitory Crime Division.
Federal Bureau Of Investigation.
J.Edgar.Hoover Building Washington Dc
Customers Service Hours / Monday To Saturday
Office Hours Monday to Saturday:

Dear Beneficiary,

Series of meetings have been held over the past 7 months with the secretary general of the United Nations Organization. This ended 3 days ago. It is obvious that you have not received your fund which is to the tune of $2.3million Usd due to past corrupt Governmental Officials who almost held the fund to themselves for their selfish reason and some individuals who have taken advantage of your fund all in an attempt to swindle your fund which has led to so many losses from your end and unnecessary delay in the receipt of your fund. The National Central Bureau of Interpol enhanced by the United Nations and Federal Bureau of Investigation and the International monetary fund’s have successfully passed a mandate to the current president of Nigeria his Excellency President Good luck Jonathan to boost the exercise of clearing all foreign debts owed to you and other individuals and organizations who have been found not to have receive their Contract Sum, Lottery/Gambling, Inheritance and the likes. Now how would you like to receive your payment? Because we have two method of payment which is by Check or by ATM card?

ATM Card: We will be issuing you a custom pin based ATM card which you will use to withdraw up to $3,000 per day from any ATM machine that has the Master Card Logo on it and the card have to be renewed in 4 years time which is 2015. Also with the ATM card you will be able to transfer your funds to your local bank account. The ATM card comes with a handbook or manual to enlighten you about how to use it. Even if you don’t have a bank account.

Check: To be deposited in your bank for it to be cleared within three working days. Your payment would be sent to you via any of your preferred option and would be mailed to you via UPS. Because we have signed a contract with UPS which should expire in the next three weeks you will only need to pay $280 instead of $620 saving you $340 so if you pay before the three weeks you save $340 Take note that anyone asking you for some kind of money above the usual fee is definitely a fraudsters and you will have to stop any communication with every other person if you have been in contact with any. Also remember that all you will ever have to spend is $280.00 nothing more! Nothing less! And we guarantee the receipt of your fund to be successfully delivered to you within the next 24hrs after the receipt of payment has been confirmed.

Note: Everything has been taken care of by the Federal Government of Nigeria the International Monetary Funds, The United Nation and also the FBI and including taxes, custom paper and clearance duty so all you will ever need to pay is $280. DO NOT SEND MONEY TO ANYONE UNTIL YOU READ THIS: The actual fees for shipping your ATM card is $420 but because UPS have temporarily discontinued the C.O.D which gives you the chance to pay when package is delivered for international shipping We had to sign contract with them for bulk shipping which makes the fees reduce from the actual fee of $620 to $280 nothing more and no hidden fees of any sort! To effect the release of your fund valued at $2.3million Usd you are advised to contact our correspondent in Africa the delivery officer Mr Aaron Hotchner with the information below,

Full Name: Mr Aaron Hotchner

You are advised to contact him with the informations as stated below:

Your full Name..
Your Address:..............
Home/Cell Phone:..............
Preferred Payment Method: ATM / Cashier Check

Upon receipt of payment the delivery officer will ensure that your package is sent within 24 working hours. Because we are so sure of everything we are giving you a 100% money back guarantee if you do not receive payment/package within the next 24hrs after you have made the payment for shipping.

Yours sincerely,
Miss Donna Story

Email analysis :

NOTE : Received : from User ([])

NOTE : by



How are you today?

I am Mrs. Michelle Obama and I am written to inform you about your Bank Cheque Draft brought by the United Embassy from the government of Benin Republic in the white house Washington DC which contains the sum of $20.000.000 millions us dollars credited from the bank of America, the delivery of your funds has been mandated to be deliver to your address on Friday being 17th of April 2015 to you as soon as you get back to me with your home address and your cell phone number. Bear in mind that I have taking my time to be in charge of your funds as instructed by my husband to ensure that you received your funds successfully from the white house to reduce the economy and I’m the only one that has your funds in regard to my husband Mr. Barack Hussein Obama II and you will have to pay the sum of $130.00 only before your Bank Cheque Draft will deliver to you on Friday, the reason why the fee is required is to have your funds clearance paper from the origin of the funds to avoid any harassment from the authority and you are also expecting to be announce as winner of the said amount by Friday as soon as your fund is delivered to you. So you are urgent advised to get back to me with your home address and also the payment information today for immediate effect of your delivery. Note that the $130 is the only fee and final payment you have my assurance. However, according to our agreement with the originated Benin Republic, all our communications should be on email for record purpose so follow my instruction accordingly, even if you don’t have the $130 try to borrow it and send it immediately because this is your life opportunity and I don’t want you to lose the chance any more. Please I will advice you to urgent make the payment this morning via western union or money gram money transfer to the listed cashier information as instructed you by the originated authority. I will look forward to received your email today with the payment to enable the origin secure the required clearance papers required at White House Benin to deliver your funds. Note that it will take only 14hrs to deliver your Bank Cheque Draft in receipt of the $130 payment.

Please find the payment data below to send the $130 via western union or money gram.

Country Benin Republic
City Cotonou
Question: Urgent
Answer: Needed
Amount: $130.00
MTCN reference number............
Sender Name...........
Sender's Telephone……
Sender's Address........

I look forward to your respond to your email with the payment today.


Mrs. Michelle Obama
The White House
(Official Residence of the President of the US)
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington DC 20500 USA

Email analysis :

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NOTE : (mv-osn-hcb005 [])
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My Dear,

I am Mr. Mark Obinna a computer scientist with central bank of Nigeria. I am 26 years old, just started work with C.B.N. I came across your file which was marked X and your released disk painted RED, I took time to study it and found out that you have paid VIRTUALLY all fees and certificate while fund has not been release to you. The most annoying thing is that they cannot tell you the truths that on no account will they ever release the fund to you; instead they let you spend money unnecessarily. I do not intend to work here all the days of my life as I can release this fund to you if you can certify me of my security, and how I can run away from this country Nigeria if I do this, because after wiring fund and I don't run away from this country, I will be seriously in trouble and my life will be in danger, so please this is like a Mafia setting in Nigeria; you may not understand it because you are not a Nigerian. The only thing I will need to release this fund is a special HARD DISK which we call (120 GIG). I will buy two of it, recopy your information, destroy the previous one, and punch the computer to enable fund reflect into your bank within 24 banking hours. Upon confirmation of the HARD DISK I will clean up the tracer and destroy your file, after which I will run away from Nigeria to meet with you. if you have read to understand my point then, do get in touch with me immediately,
You should send to me your convenient telephone number for easy communications and also re confirm your banking details.

Call me on: +234-817-953-5130


Mr. Mark Obinna
Position: Computer Scientist.
Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN)
Tel: +234-817-953-5130
Private Email:

Este mensaje no contiene virus ni malware porque la protección de avast! Antivirus está activa.

Email analysis :

NOTE : Received : from unknown (HELO (
NOTE : Received : from User (unknown [])
NOTE : (Authenticated sender: by (Postfix)

Honey Bee yourself


Honey bee yourself! What can be sweeter than honey? The answer it’s pretty simple, a sweet 25 dollars free gift! Just Bee happy in Bee Land, and you’ll bee able to take some extra honey along the way!

Bee Fun

At the end of the day you should sit back, relax a bit and treat yourself with this real free sweet opportunity.
Just have lots of fun and make yourself feel good!

Free Honey

2346 Junkins Avenue
Albany, GA 31707, US
If you wish to no longer receive our free offers, just press hereto safely unsubscribe.

Email analysis :

NOTE : Received : from (

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation,
P.O Box 6543,

Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Dr.Dan Okoku. It is my pleasure to write this mail basically to seek your consent on transaction which involves transfer of an over-invoiced sum of money from my ministry to your bank account. The amount involved is US$40 million. I am a member of the Contract Award Committee (CAC) in my ministry Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC). The amount was intentionally over-invoiced for our benefit. We have worked carefully to secure the approval of the fund since the original contract value has been paid on completion of the contract in 2010. Then the remaining balance of the US$40 million is what we intend to transfer secretly to you using your bank account details. The civil service code of conduct does not allow any serving officer to operate a foreign bank account, we are seriously handicapped to transfer the fund to an offshore account hence this contact to you. It is on this basis that I thought it wisely to use a foreigner to receiver the fund for our mutual benefit. We shall draw an agreement to back up this transaction and also to spell out our duties, sharing modalities and safety of the fund in your bank account. If you are interested, please send the required information's as stated below.

1. Full Names:
2. Residential Address:
3. Mobile Number:
4. Fax Number:
5. Occupation:
7. Sex:
8. Age:
9. Nationality:
10. State:
11. Marital Status:
12. E-mail id:
13. Bank Name:
14. Account Number,Swift Code,Routing Number
15. Account Holders Name:
16. Bank Branch:

Summarily, there is no single risk involve having taken care of all forms of obstacles that would pose some risks in the deal. To avoid taking things for granted. The transaction will be processed legitimately with all legal proof on the execution of the contract.

CALL ME ON THIS LINE +2347080988136

Email analysis :

NOTE : Received : from User ([] RDNS failed)

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votre colis est en attente de distribution!


Nous vous informons que vous avez un colis à la poste réf :*********.

L'expéditeur du colis : ORANGE TOMBOLA FRANCE .
Pour l'envoi à domicile il suffit de nous envoyer votre code de confirmation
à l'adresse électronique suivante :
N.B : Pour obtenir votre code de confirmation veuillez appeIer le : 0899 230 982


Email analysis :

NOTE : Received : from (localhost [])
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NOTE : Received : from (unknown [])
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Child For Adoption.

Ms Florence Dele am orphan from Niger, I gave birth to twins, 2 baby boys but I can't take care of them so I 've decided to give them up for adoption. Can you adopt them?

Email analysis :

NOTE : Received : from localhost ([::1]:30325
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smart watch

Our company designed a new watch for baby and aged . It has GPS blueteeth,SOS function . can call the number you set only.Very useful for our baby and old people. If you interested . please respond me .

Email analysis :

NOTE : Received : from ([])