Tuesday, December 13, 2016

How are you today?

Attention My Dear

I have registered your winning Price of $4.5USD with DHL Express Company with registration code of ( DCJKT00617G). please Contact with your delivery information such as, Your Name, Your Address ID CARD COPY and Your Telephone Number:

DHL Express Company Office:
Contact Person: Mr. David Candy
E-mail: dhlcourircompany@gmail.com
PHONE: NO+229-636 90 566

I have paid for the Security fee.The only fee you have to pay is their Insurance & Delivery fee only.Please indicate the registration Number and ask Him how much is their Insurance & Delivery fee so that you can pay it.

Best Regards,
Mrs. Jolie Davis

Email analysis :

NOTE : dhlcourircompany@gmail.com
NOTE : micaela@speedy.com.ar
NOTE : X-Origin :