Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Agentur bietet Stellenausschreibungen Ihnen an

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

zu diesem Anlass wollen wir Ihnen folgende attraktive Tätigkeit in unserem internationalen Team in der Branche Homeoffice vorstellen, ohne Fahrzeit zur Arbeit, in freier Zeitaufteilung, ohne Stau. Wir vermitteln qualifizierte und gutbezahlte Arbeitsstellen überall europaweit und können dabei hervorragende Qualität für unsere Auftraggeber anbieten.
Aktuell bieten wir Ihnen einen Arbeitsplatz als Freiberufler oder in Festanstellung mit einem Stundenlohn von bis zu 26 Euro pro Stunde in selbständigen Arbeitsweise und einer modernen Beschäftigungsform, sowie eine spannende Tätigkeit.
Es werden keine besonderen Kenntnisse benötigt. Die Einarbeitung findet detailliert durch professionelle Manager statt. Alles was Sie dafür brauchen, stellen wir Ihnen ohne zusätzlichen Kosten zur Verfügung. Die Stelle kann auch nebenberuflich besetzt werden, auch von Rentnern und Hausfrauen.
Ab sofort sind nachfolgende Vakanzen frei:

Kollegen (m/w) für den Support in der Home Office in den Abteilungen Kommunikation, Office, Büroarbeit

Folgende Tätigkeitsschwerpunkte sind zu erledigen: Dokumente entgegennehmen, überarbeiten und weiterleiten, Unterlagen einscannen/kopieren und Emails bearbeiten. Dabei sollen die Aufgaben mit zur Verfügung gestellten Büroausstattungen erfolgen und im Home-office in freier Zeiteinteilung.
Anforderungen an Sie sind: unproblematischer Umgang mit E-mail, PC und Internet, Deutsch fließend, Fremdsprachen sind vorteilhaft, sowie Eigenverantwortung

Sind Sie bereit für flexible Arbeit und die Arbeit im Home-office? Möchten Sie sich dieser interessanten und herausfordernden neuen Aufgabe stellen? Dann senden Sie uns Ihre Bewerbung an: dinaflekam@mail.com Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung, Ihre persönlichen Unterlagen behandeln wir selbstverständlich vertraulich.
In Erwartung Ihrer Antwort

Maier Agentur

Email analysis :

NOTE : dinaflekam@mail.com
NOTE : simone.bleile@online.de
NOTE : Received : from mout.kundenserver.de (
NOTE : Received : from Ralf-PC ([]) by mrelayeu.kundenserver.de (mreue101)


Am Lisa from USA am glad today because am now a successful woman of Illuminati, i have taught of been one of the Illuminati member so that i will be wealthy for life and my family will be forever rich. I get linked up by a man called john who introduce me to this agent who have a successful influence with this occultist Illuminati, so he took me joining the team to their real powerful man in USA who was the head of all Illuminati member,He really helped me becoming a member of Illuminati. and now am

so glad of becoming a Illuminati member, i am now rich and wealthy.Thank you Sifer Crown For your support. Illuminati is a great and powerful means to get popular in life Do you want your parents to be
proud of you, or you want to protect yourself as a popular man in your country email the Sifar Crown on (sifarcrownilluminatigroup@yahoo.com) he will help you to become rich and achieve all your heart desire.

Yours Faithfully

Mrs Lisa

Email analysis :

NOTE : fatherfirst20@gmail.com
NOTE : sifarcrownilluminatigroup@yahoo.com




Attention: Dear Beneficiary,


I am Mr. Ibrahim Lamorde the chairman of ECONOMIC & FINANCIAL CRIME COMMISSION (EFCC).EFCC in alliance with Economic community of West African states (ECOWAS) with head Office here in Nigeria. We have been working towards the eradication of fraudsters and scam Artists in Western part of Africa With the help of United States Government and the United Nations in conjunction with FBI INTERNATIONAL. We have been able to track down so many of this scam artist in various parts of west African countries which includes (NIGERIA, REPUBLIC OF BENIN, TOGO, GHANA CAMEROUN AND SENEGAL e.t.c) and they are in our custody here in Lagos Nigeria.

We have been able to recover so much money from these scam artists. The United Nation Anti-crime commission and the United State Government have ordered the money recovered from these Scammers to be shared among 100 Lucky people around the globe. This is to inform you that a Debit Cash Card Number 7876310003001420 Valued at $10 Million United States Dollars has been accredited in your favour. We hereby officially notify you about the present arrangement to pay you your over due contract/inheritance funds which you could not complete the process of the released of your transfer valued $10Million,( Ten Million Dollars Only)With Pacific foreign exchange allocation number:PT/sss/10M USD/FEN3345.

We have decided to pay your funds through (ATM MasterCard).This arrangement was initiated/constituted by the World Bank and FBI, due to fraudulent activities going on globally.The ATM MasterCard was contracted and powered by FIRST BANK PLC,NIGERIA. The World Bank, FBI introduced this payment arrangement as to enable our contractors/inheritance beneficiary to receive their funds without any interference. Please contact Mr.Kevin Mark, an Expertriate mandated by United to cover all outstanding claims due to foreigners since 1998 till date. Contact him on his Email: upskevinmark@gmail.com with the following information to facilitate your claims as the FBI, WORLD BANK and The United Nation has made every necessary provision to ensure that payment goes to you as the beneficiary.


Upon the receipt of this information we are going to credit your funds into the MasterCard and send a scanned copy of the card to you before we will proceed to dispatch the card directly to your nominated mailing address by (UPS). So you absolutely have nothing to worry about as all we need is your prompt response and co-operation. We guarantee you 100% safety and wish you the best of luck.

Best Regards,

Mr. Ibrahim Lamorde

Email analysis :

NOTE : km388706@gmail.com
NOTE : info@yahoo.com
NOTE : Received : from [] (helo=User)
NOTE : by delsur.serverdelsur.com.ar with esmtpa (Exim 4.77)

Your US$15,8Million Is Getting To Your home Today

Attention: My Dear

Please, You are officially informed today that the Federal Government of this country has finally released your inheritance/contract payment of US$15,8Million and it has been packaged out for delivery with the help of US AMBASSADOR to Benin Republic which acts as your foreign representative here in Benin Republic.

In addition, every necessary arrangement has been made successfully with the Agent Mr.John Hawk and every Documents guiding your delivery is well updated so you are advice to confirm your full delivery information to the Agent right now as he is currently at CALIFORNIA International Airport in USA with your consignment , As he called me this morning to inform me that he misplaced your delivery address which he had.

So you are adviced to confirm your full delivery information to the diplomat so as to have easy conversation with him and to enable you give him the full direction to get your package delivered and hand it over to you safely and sound, Furthermore you are advice to be very fast as the Mr.John Hawk has no time to waste because his flight ticket will be expiring within few days.

Here is the Information you are Required to confirm to the Agent.

(1)Your Full Name=============
(2)Mobile Phone Number======
(3)Current Home Address========
(4)Fax Number================
(7)Nearest Airport ==============
(8)A copy of your ID

Most importantly,he is now at CALIFORNIA International Airport in USA and due to the Searching and Scanning of the consignment he misplaced your address your contact information. So contact him to deliver your package first thing now and also get back to us immediately you contact the Agent to make sure that your fund has getting to you without any hitch,

Furthermore, remember the Agent delivering the Consignment does not know that the consignment contained money Because the AMBASSADOR who is your representative here registered it as a family valuable article to avoid inspection during the delivery, so unknown circumstances should you let him know the content of that consignment to avoid lost of your fund as your Consignment was Sign and Stamp by US EMBASSY here in Benin Republic to make sure that it is protected until it gets to you.

Frank Williams
Director Of DHL Company Benin Republic.
Mobile: (+229) 6867-4349

Email analysis :

NOTE : diplomaticagent96@gmail.com
NOTE : department518@gmail.com
NOTE : Received : from []
NOTE : by web102003.mail.ssk.yahoo.co.jp