Thursday, March 30, 2017

Comment Spam Vol 19

Sharon Stone

In the configuration software, or if the programmer is connected to a Remote I / O Scanner, the message displayed when a matching folder does not exist is "Load configuration to TEMP folder?" If an error is faced verifying or loading data from the PLC, an error message is displayed and the select screen continues to be displayed. plc

Richardson McAnthony

We are a Finance Industry Company professionals with over 15 Years Experience and a focus on providing Bank Guarantee and Standby Letter of Credit from some of the World Top 25 Prime Banks primarily from Barclays, Deutsche Bank, HSBC,Credit Suisse e.t.c. FEATURES: Amounts from $1 million to 5 Billion+ Euro’s or US Dollars Great Attorney Trust Account Protection Delivered via MT760, MT799 and MT103 Swift with Full Bank Responsibility Brokers Always Protected Purchase Instrument of BG/SBLC : 32%+2% Min Face Value cut = EUR/USD 1M-5B Lease Instrument of BG/SBLC : 4%+2% Min Face Value cut = EUR/USD 1M-5B Interested Agents/Brokers, Investors and Individual proposing international project funding should contact us for directives.We will be glad to share our working procedures with you upon request. We Facilitate Bank instruments SBLC for Lease and Purchase. Whether you are a new startup, medium or large establishment that needs a financial solution to fund/get your project off the.

Nelly Smith

Eu tenho o meu cartão de ATM já programado e em branco para Retirar o máximo de US $ 5.000 por dia para um máximo de 30 Dias via ( Estou tão feliz com isso porque eu tenho o meu na semana passada e eu tenho usado para obter US $ 150.000. Wesley marca Hackers está dando O cartão apenas para ajudar os pobres e necessitados, embora seja ilegal, mas É algo legal e ele não é como outro golpe que finge Para ter os cartões de ATM em branco. E ninguém fica preso quando Usando o cartão. Obtenha seu de wesley marca Hackers hoje! Basta enviar um e-mail Para (

Dolly Lourens

Can some one help me with the attorney general's name and email.address in the federal court of benin


Nonia TUTU 12 mar. (hace 1 día) para Ten cuidado con este mensaje. Es posible que no haya sido enviado por Se han utilizado mensajes similares a este para robar información personal. Más información inglés español Ver mensaje traducido Traducir siempre: inglés Attention Please This is to inform you that we have been working towards the eradication of fraudsters and scam Artists in Africa with the help of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) United Nations (UN), European Union (EU) and FBI. We have been able to track down some scam artist in various parts of African countries which includes (Nigeria, Republic of Benin, Ghana and Senegal with cote d'ivoire ) and they are all in Government custody now, they will appear at International Criminal Court (ICC) soon for Justice. During the course of investigation, they were able to recovered some funds from these scam artists and IMF organization have ordered the funds recovered to be shared among

Antonio levis

Dr. Abor God will continue to bless you more abundantly, for the good works you are doing in peoples life, I will keep on writing and posting testimonies about you on the Internet, I’m from New Zealand, I was diagnosed with Herpes and HIV, and i was totally confused and dont know what to do anymore, the doctor said that he is only going to be giving me drugs to hold on with and there is nothing he can do about it and i keep shearing tear all day of my life and still using the drug waiting for death anytime, until I saw a blog on how Dr. Abor cured someone, I contacted him immediately and he told me the procedure and i agree with him and he prepare me some herbal medicine to use within 7 days and i use it with his description that how i got cure form HIV and HERPES, kindly email him now on IRABORSPELLHERBALHOME@GMAIL.COM THESE ARE THE THINGS Dr. Abor DO. HERPES, HEPATITIS A,B,C,, WITCH CRAFT PROBLEM, HIV/AIDS. CANCER. ALS .NEED YOUR EX BACK, PERFECT CHARM, NEED A BABY, email DR Abor on


Hola mi nombre es Pamela Renata Giovana soy de español Acabo de recibir mi préstamo de 50.000 Reals de esta nueva empresa de préstamos legítimos de 2017 y el nombre de la empresa es Marian Hoffman préstamo de la compañía que solicité un préstamo de ayer y acabo de recibir una alerta De mi banco hoy que había un fondo de 50.000 reales en mi cuenta y soy tan feliz por lo que todo el mundo si necesita un préstamo real esta es la empresa a aplicar de ellos son reales y estar seguro de que si solicita un préstamo de Ellos hoy y que son rápidos con ellos para mañana estar esperando sus fondos de préstamo en su cuenta de forma segura. Tan si usted necesita un préstamo de ellos usted puede solamente entrar en contacto con ellos vía allí correo en Gracias a cualquiera que lea mi mensaje una vez más me quedo Pamela Renata Giovana.


Mi nombre es Maria Eduarda Lívia y soy de español que quiero usar este momento para decirle a todos en internet acerca de cómo recibí mi préstamo de hoy de una nueva empresa de préstamo legítimo de 2017 el nombre de la empresa es Marian Hoffman préstamo de la empresa y ellos Soy legítimo nunca he visto la compañía en el Internet antes y apenas las vi ayer en un sitio y decidí aplicarlas me dijeron que todo que necesito hacer y después de hacerlas que recibí mi préstamo en mi cuenta bancaria hoy. Quiero utilizar este tiempo para decirle a todo el mundo en Internet que si usted necesita un préstamo de préstamo legítimo esta es la empresa real para aplicar y de inmediato se aplican de ellos sólo estar seguro de que va a recibir su préstamo con seguridad de ellos y sea feliz. Si usted está interesado en un préstamo Marian Hoffman es la empresa a aplicar de que son reales y la empresa de préstamo legítimo de 2017 allí dirección de correo es

Maria Hoffman empréstimos

BIENVENIDOS A MARIAN HOFFMAN tiene como objetivo proporcionar Excelente Servicio profesional. ¿Es usted un hombre de negocios o una mujer? ¿Está usted en cualquier lío financiero o necesita fondos para iniciar su propio negocio? ¿Necesita un préstamo para iniciar una pequeña escala y negocios medianos? ¿Tiene una puntuación de crédito baja y le resulta difícil obtener préstamos de capital de los bancos locales y otros institutos financieros ?. Nuestros préstamos están bien asegurados para una máxima seguridad es nuestra prioridad, nuestro objetivo principal es ayudarle a obtener los servicios que usted se merece, nuestro programa es la forma más rápida de obtener lo que necesita en un instante. Reduzca sus pagos para aliviar la presión sobre sus gastos mensuales. Gane flexibilidad con la que puede utilizar para cualquier propósito - desde vacaciones, hasta educación, hasta compras únicas Ofrecemos una amplia gama de servicios financieros que incluye:

Priscila Carter

That's why you always need a lawyer, in order to fight with ICBC, check Harpreet, he is awesome!! http://nirwanlawcorp.*/icbc-car-accident-lawyer/

Jennifer Barba

What do you want from me


Hello! I won lottery last week. Now I need to take my money back. Please give me recommendations how I can do it. By the way I got tickets from this lottery: Wednesday lotto results Waiting for your answer!


Sir my gulfwar claim are panging Please clear my claim My mail address is Sir my gulfwar claim are panging Please clear my claim My mail address is Sir my gulfwar claim are panging Please clear my claim My mail address is

Simon Philip

Get THE 2017 BLANK ATM Programmed Card and cash money directly in any ATM Machine around you. There is no risk of being caught, because the card has been programmed in such a way that it´s not traceable, it also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTV to detect you and you can only withdraw a total amount of $8,000.00 USD in a day. Now email us today at our E-mail address at: and get your card today and live that luxury life you every dream to live.


U.S. Department of the Treasury 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington,DC 20220 This is to bring to your notice that the US Department of the Treasury in affiliation with the Office of Foreign Assets Control ("OFAC") has been authorized in their Sanction Programs to compensate 1,000 scam victims who has being a victim of internet scam.The US Department of the Treasury has decided to pay you $250,000.00 USD(Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand United States Dollars) each in order to restore the global economy to the enviable standard of respectability. So if your are one of the victim kindly contact us via Our email ( ) for the release of your $250,000.00 USD compensation fund, .You are advised to provide us with the under listed information for verification: 1)Full Names 2)Home Address 3)Nationality: 4)Age 5)Sex 6)Occupation 7)Phone Number. 8) Amount you lost Waiting to hear from you guys soon. Thanks Dave Duglas infousdepartmentoftreasury4@

Elizabeth J. Neal

Nice post! This is a very nice blog that I will definitively come back to more times this year! Thanks for informative post. howtowinlotto.*

Hassan Iqbal

UNHP GRANTS 2017 17/02/2017. This is to notify you that you have been appointed as one of the recipients of a Cash Grant/Donation for your personal and community development. You were selected among the beneficiaries to receive the sum of GBP 1,100,000.00 as developmental aid from the UN Foundation. Please contact UNDP Chairman - Mrs. Anna Joshua on this email: Name in full: Address: Nationality: Age: Gender: Occupation: Cell Phone Present country: Alternate Email Address: Note that you are to send your details to the payment dept email: Regards, Chairman UNDP Grant (Mrs. Anna Joshua) this is true plz conform my email i have very dis heart

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