Wednesday, October 19, 2016

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Immediately Stop Getting our Email Messages? If you Feel More Confortable, you can Always Write to: 3004 Summit ave Fl 1 Baltimore MD 21234-1887 Reading through interviews with h[orr[or legend-turned-synthwave star John Carpenter, one thing is glaringly obvious: Carpenter would rather be just about anywhere than wherever he is at that particular moment. Even trying to ply the 68-year-old with two of his fav[orite subjects, basketball and video games, can be a tricky proposition. (It w[orked pretty well f[or The A.V. Club's Ignatiy Vishnevetsky, though.) So when Carpenter does give up some new inf[ormation in an interview, like the one last month where he called Rob Zombie a â??piece of shitâ? f[or claiming that Carpenter wasn't supp[ortive of his 2007 Halloween remake, it's kind of an event.Now Carpenter's making headlines with another cranky interview, only this time he's unhappy about a remake of one of his movies that hasn't even been made yet. H[orr[or news site Bloody-Disgusting cites an interview Carpenter recently gave to Screen Rant, in which the direct[or says that the planned remake â??might be crazy, [or] it might be great! I don't know. Nobody's told me anything. No one tells me anything.â? (He apparently laughed after saying this, so don't get too upset on his behalf.) This is basically what Carptenter said when asked about the remake last summer, when he told The Wall Street Journal that he was â??ambivalent about a remakeâ? and hadn't talked to anyone involved with the project. So either the project is moving f[orward without Carpenter, [or we're all getting w[orked up about a remake that has stalled in pre-production and may never actually happen.With [or without Carpenter, the remake of Big Trouble In Little China is being produced by and will probably star Dwayne Johnson, sometime in between the approximately 6 million other projects Johnson has planned right now. To his credit, Johnson did say last summer that he wanted to bring Carpenter on â??in some capacity,â? a sentiment that he has apparently yet to follow up on. Either that, [or Johnson did try to contact him and Carpenter missed the call because he was busy jamming on his keyboard, which is entirely possible.Nintendo's got a gift f[or repurposing. In the 30 years since it was first released, the NES and its beloved range of intellectual properties have been repackaged in just about every way imaginable â?? and heck, even that system's most beloved protagonist was on-loan from a platf[ormer about a giant ape with a princess-stealing problem.Mind, none of this is a criticism, really. The gaming company is exceptionally good at reinventing old goods. And say what you will about its traditionally tendencies, most of Nintendo's foot dragging is a result of a company with too much invested in its own properties to license things out willy-nilly.Pokemon Go is the ideal example. After years of calls from fans and board members alike to embrace the mobile platf[orm, Nintendo finally went all in. The game succeeded in part because it wasn't a simple p[ort â?? it was a popular property tail[ored to the technological possibilities of its platf[orm.But the fact of the matter is that demand is still strong f[or those 30-year-old games. There's a reason they do so well as downloads f[or systems like the Wii and Wii U. Nintendo's devotion to gameplay is precisely why we likely won't ever see them as straight p[orts f[or mobile devices while the company is still kicking â?? most just don't w[ork all that will with mobile hardware restraints.Look at the NES Classic Edition as something of a compromise. Granted, it doesn't aff[ord the same p[ortability as an iOS version of Super Mario 3, but it offers up a lot that mobile games don't. Chief among them is presenting the games the way they were meant to be played, complete with a replica of the [original NES controllers they were designed f[or.img_1085The other immediate benefit is the sheer number of titles the system ships with â?? 30 in all, and these aren't just crappy third-tier games. You get all three Super Mario Bros. titles (plus [original), Castlevania, Punch-Out, Final Fantasy, both Legends of Zelda.There are a few weird choices â?? like the fact that only the second Mega Man is pre-loaded and that it has Super C but not [original Contra. But still, if you owned the NES the first time around, there's almost certainly something here f[or you.And the titles play great. The controller feels like the [original â?? not like those cheap plastic joysticks with preloaded Atari games that were all the rage a few years back. Within a few minutes, all of those wasted hours spent inside on sunny afternoons after school suddenly come flooding back like muscle mem[ory.The nostalgia fact[or is sped along by the fact that the system itself looks like a pint-sized version of the old NES, not all that much larger than the controller itself, complete with functioning Power and Reset buttons. There's even a spot f[or the cartridge loader, though that doesn't actually pop up.img_1135The software is built around a menu system that lets you scroll through the 30 different titles. Once you've started playing, you can save the game anywhere and can associate multiple accounts/save points with a single title, so up to four people can play concurrent games. The saved games can also be locked, so the kids can't play over [or erase your progress.That's really the sum total of the innovation here, and Nintendo's not saying whether it will allow f[or additional games after purchase, which would be a big plus f[or those looking f[or those with a hankering f[or A Boy and His Blob [or additional Mega Men. As it stands though, $60 seems like a pretty solid deal f[or a system with 30 games.img_1226The additional controller will cost extra, and from the looks of it, the system isn't compatible with any old one you might have lying around. Of course, the [original NES has the benefit of being cheap and plentiful second hand, along with offering a broader range of titles â?? all w[orth fact[oring into the equation.If you've got one lying around the house, just plug the thing in. But if you're looking f[or a quick and easy way to relive the gl[ory days of your parents' wood paneled basement ([or to expose a new generation to the feeling), the NES Classic is a quick and relatively inexpensive way in. It ships just in time f[or the holidays on November 11.The bodies of two experienced divers were pulled Monday from a deadly underwater cave system in Fl[orida known as the "Mount Everest" f[or diving enthusiasts.Patrick Peacock and Chris Rittenmeyer traveled from F[ort Lauderdale to Weeki Wachee, Fla., with a friend to conduct a three-day dive at Eagle's Nest -- an underwater labyrinth of caves also known as the "Lost Sink" containing a mile of passages, one m[ore than 300 feet deep.Related ImageEagle's Nest cave 1Expand / ContractDeputies from the Hernando County Sheriff's Office were called to the dive area Sunday evening after the men's friend, identified as Justin Blakely, said he could not locate them.Blakely told auth[orities that all three divers entered the water at 2 p.m. on Sunday. Blakely, the most inexperienced diver, was to remain closer to the surface while Peacock and Rittenmeyer expl[ored the caves of Eagle's Nest, which they had done several times bef[ore. The plan was f[or the two to check in with Blakely at a predetermined location at around 3 p.m., auth[orities said. When the two failed to surface, Blakely notified law enf[orcement. Rescue divers entered the waters Sunday night searching f[or the two men but were unable to locate them. The following m[orning, another group of divers found Peacock and Rittenmeyer "in close proximity to one another in 260 feet of water," acc[ording to a press release from the Hernando County Sheriff's Office.Auth[orities said the men died in a "very dangerous and complex area of the cave system."Eagle's Nest -- often referred to as the 'Mount Everest' [or 'Grand Canyon' of dives -- is near Weeki Wachee in the Chassahowitzka Wildlife Refuge.A sign at the mouth of the cave offers a deadly warning to anyone attempting to expl[ore the underwater caves."STOP! Prevent your death. Go no farther," reads the sign, which includes a black-and-white sketch of the Grim Reaper."M[ore than 300 divers, including open water scuba instruct[ors, have died in caves just like this one," the sign says, noting that special cave training and equipment is required in [order to enter.In 2013, a man and his 15-year-old son drowned in the underwater cave system on Christmas Day while testing out diving equipment they had received as a gift.After the drownings, family members pushed f[or the state to close the site, but state wildlife officials said they had no plans to do so.At least six others have died at Eagle's Nest since 1981, acc[ording to the Tampa Bay Times. The vast underwater cave system was closed to divers from 1999 to 2003, the newspaper rep[orted. "It is absolutely g[orgeous, but it's deep and a complex cave system, so it's only suited f[or people who have that training and experience,â? Jeff Tobey, an experienced diver familiar with Eagle's Nest, told WFLA-TV.

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