Wednesday, April 24, 2013

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Google Talks Keeping "No Results" Pages Out Of Index

By Chris Crum

Google's Matt Cutts takes on an interesting question in today's Webmaster Help video: What is being done to detect and remove results from larger sites when they don't have unique content that is relevant to a query (e.g. results with no reviews, Facebook "business" pages that weren't actually created by the business)? Cutts says he likes the question, but wouldn't just restrict it to larger sites. "In general, we look at the value add, or you know, whether there's some compelling value add, even at a page level, and we try to write algorithms to reflect that, but it is the case that sometimes you will find pages that get indexed that say, you know, 'Zero reviews found,' and so there's basically no content to actually base your opinion on when you visit that page," says Cutts.

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Local SEO

My site needs to target a local area of 3 counties. It's a landscaping company. The main town we're targeting is Fredericksburg with the outlying towns of Spotsylvania and Stafford. First of all do my keywords all need to include a city, for example "landscaping service fredericksburg"? Can they be included in the content in away from eachother, for example "landscaping services in fredericksburg" or something like "if you live in fredericksburg and need landscaping services" ? And then there's people in Stafford and Spotsylvania who may search "landscaping stafford" ... What's the best way to go about this? Also there is a main blog that is the center of the web marketing effort to provide landscaping knowledge, tips and so forth ... does each post, having its own targeted key word, need to all also include one or more of the cities, and how would you have something like an entire site's keyword, like "lawn care" in general? Would each post need to have "lawn care" and it's own keyword, like "water gardens" in each post 3 or 4 times each (to get the ratio for each keyword in each post) and does each keyword need to say the city with it each and every time?

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

One of the most controversial pieces of legislation currently making its way through the Senate is the Marketplace Fairness Act. In essence, it would allow states to collect taxes from online purchases even if the online store doesn't have a physical presence in the state. Brick-and-mortar stores claim the bill levels the playing field with online retailers while opponents say it would put undue regulations on online businesses while making the tax code even more cumbersome. Guess which side the White House agrees with. The Hill reports that the White House has formally announced its support for the Marketplace Fairness Act. The newfound endorsement was a key factor in the Senate voting in favor of the bill during a procedural vote on Monday evening. Do you support an online sales tax? Do you think small online businesses have anything to fear? Let us know in the comments. The idea of an online sales tax is nothing new. Retail stores, represented by the National Retail Federation, have been pushing for an online sales tax bill for years after the Supreme Court ruled in Quill Corp v. North Dakota that a state could not levy sales tax against a company if it had no physical presence in the state. Numerous online retailers use this to get around sales tax, and retail stores say this gives them an unfair advantage. The White House completely agrees. In a statement to the press on Monday, White House press secretary Jay Carney said the bill would level the playing field for brick-and-mortar stores and online retailers: "This administration has carefully considered the legislation, and our team has met with a broad array of people on the issue. And we have heard overwhelmingly from governors, mayors and the business community on the need for federal legislation to level the playing field for our businesses and address sales tax fairness." The Nation Retail Federation isn't the only group pushing for the Senate to pass the Marketplace Fairness Act. Governors around the country, including Chris Christie of New Jersey and Rick Snyder of Michigan, have voiced their support for the bill. States are hurting for revenue, and they feel that a national mandate on sales tax will bring billions of revenue back to the states. Carney echoed the governors by saying that the potential tax revenue would help states fund "K-12 education, police and fire protection, access to affordable health care, and funding for roads and bridges." Even if the bill is able to pass the Senate during a final vote later this week, it faces plenty of opposition. The Republican-controlled House is just one of the many challenges the Marketplace Fairness Act faces as it progresses through the legislature. Obviously online businesses are coming out against it. Ebay has been especially hostile towards the legislation, and has even started recruiting its sellers to protest the bill. The common complaint from Ebay and other businesses opposed is that the bill would put undue burdens on online retailers. The current tax system has created a symbiotic relationship between online companies and the states. The states attract online companies to set up a physical presence in a state through a number of perks while the company brings tax revenue and jobs to the state in question. A universal online sales tax destroys that relationship by making online companies collect sales taxes for states that they receive no benefit from. The current legislation offers sales exemptions to online businesses that make less than $1 million annually. Ebay is currently lobbying Senators to add an amendment that would up this exemption to $10 million. One company that's already benefiting from that symbiotic relationship has come out strongly in favor of the bill though. Amazon, which has a number of distribution centers across the country, says that it favors the bill because it creates a unified national framework for tax collection. Despite the Senate's overwhelming support of the bill, TechDirt points out that Sen. Ron Wyden has come out strongly against it saying that it negatively impacts innovation. Another group standing in the bill's way is Wall Street as it argues that the legislation, as it stands, could negatively affect financial transactions. One group in particular, the Financial Services Roundtable, says that a sales tax on financial transactions would hurt just about everyone: "A transaction tax on financial services products will hurt retail investors, retired Americans, and small businesses, effectively making it more expensive for them to invest and plan for the long-term. Without hearings, these implications and others will not be properly addressed." Do you agree with those in favor of the bill? Or the opposition? Let us know in the comments. It should be noted that the Marketplace Fairness Act isn't a done deal in the Senate. Monday's vote was only procedural. Now the Senate will get to work on adding amendments to the bill with a final vote scheduled for Thursday or Friday. Unless something disastrous happens, the bill will probably pass the Senate without much of a fight. A glowing endorsement from the White House has made sure of that. During the debate in the Senate and the House, you're likely to see the following argument - Do we even need an online sales tax bill? Is there any real reason to throw a bone to the retail businesses that implement stupid strategies like a $5 window shopping fee. One compelling argument is that retail stores should find ways to better compete with online businesses. The retail store still has a few advantages over online businesses, but are they really capitalizing on those advantages? At this point, it's too early to tell exactly what kind of damage, if any, the Marketplace Fairness Act would cause. It could possibly do nothing, but some are right to fear that it would legitimately hurt the operations of online retailers. Do you think that retail stores need a level playing field? Will the Marketplace Fairness Act negatively affect small online businesses? Let us know in the comments. What are your thoughts?

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Jorge Luis Martínez Saura


Renovación técnica y estética de spas, balnearios, piscinas, centros termales, centros deportivos.
Renovación técnica y estética de spas, balnearios, piscinas, centros termales, centros deportivos.

Apreciado Cliente/Colaborador:

Por el presente escrito deseo informarles sobre nuestra actividad en lo que concierne a la renovación técnica y estetica de spas, balnearios, piscinas, centros termales, centros deportivos. Por nuestra experiencia en el sector estamos detectando importantes deficiencias en instalaciones, como son:

Instalaciones fuera de normativa.
Pérdidas de agua de las instalaciones.
Averías constantes en las instalaciones por la utilización de equipos obsoletos.
Mantenimiento de los equipos deficientes.

Gran consumo energético por mala elección de equipos de climatización y de un deficiente aislamiento.
Estas son algunas de las deficiencias detectadas, que provocan un aumento en el coste de la producción de energía. Una vez detectado el problema, somos la empresa que puede ofrecerle una reconversión en sus instalaciones, optimizando los recursos existentes y ofreciendo tecnología más eficiente para que sus instalaciones sean rentables. Estamos en disposición de realizar un estudio de sus instalaciones existentes, así como de posibles proyectos de futuro, con el fin de convertir un negocio poco rentable en una empresa rentable y eficiente. Disponemos de la tecnología y un equipo técnico cualificado que adaptará su negocio a las nuevas tecnologías, normativas vigentes y con los equipos más eficientes en el consumo de energía. La mejor forma de provocar un ahorro en consumo de todo tipo de energía primaria, que es su materia prima para poder ofrecer su servicio al Cliente, sería la disminución de la demanda energética y equipos tecnológicamente óptimos para ello. Estaremos encantados de poder ofrecerle más información, agradeciendo la atención que nos dispensa en la lectura del presente documento. Siempre hay un antes y un después, se lo mostramos: Para todo lo expuesto, nos ponemos a su disposición para cualquier consulta que estime oportuna y si lo desea puede llamarme al +34 639124667 al correo Un saludo y quedo a la espera de sus noticias

Jorge Luis Martínez Saura
Doctor Ingeniero

NOTA: SPACIO TERMAL, SL le informa que sus datos han sido incluidos en el fichero “Clientes destinatarios de servicios de SPACIO TERMAL, SL” con la finalidad de hacerle partícipe de las campañas informativas que pudieran resultar de su interés. Dichos datos proceden de directorios de servicios de comunicaciones electrónicas, los cuales están catalogados por la Ley Orgánica de Protección de Datos 15/1999 como “fuentes accesibles al público”, o han sido facilitados por usted. Dicha Ley le garantiza el derecho de acceso, según el cual podrá solicitar y obtener gratuitamente información de sus datos de carácter personal sometidos a tratamiento, el origen de los mismos y las comunicaciones realizadas o que se prevén hacer. Así mismo, le asiste el derecho a oponerse, previa petición y sin gastos, al tratamiento de los datos que le conciernen. En ese caso, dichos datos serían dados de baja en el fichero. renovación técnica y estética de spas, balnearios, piscinas, centros termales, centros deportivos. Spacio termal tiene más 30 años de experiencia en construcción, 15 años en diseño/realización de centros termales y más de 20 años en gestión de spas, centros termales, acuáticos y deportivos. To stop receiving these emails please unsubscribe.



Despues de mucha consideracion sobre este asunto, he decidido contactar con usted, creyendo que va a proteger a esta transaccion y darle la atencion que merece. Me complace estar en contacto con usted. Soy un personal de alta direccion de un banco regional aqui en la Republica de Benin. Me gustaria saber si podemos trabajar juntos en colaboracion. Me gustaria colaborar conmigo por medio del envio de la correspondencia de apoyo a nuestra oficina como beneficiario a un cliente fallecido en este banco que hizo una suma enorme deposito a plazo fijo de los Estados Unidos (EE.UU.) de dolares para nuestro banco, con una completa y precisa directivas que se le da internos de nuestra oficina para lograr un exito en las reclamaciones de este deposito, el difunto es de su region, murio sin registrado familiares designar en su perfil de cuenta en nuestra oficina y, como tal, sus fondos ahora tienen una mandato beneficiario abierto, para cualquiera que tenga informacion precisa de los fallecidos como esta escrito en su cuenta de datos con nuestra oficina, que voy a poner a su disposicion bajo peticion.

Honestamente, yo busco la asociacion poder para nosotros para reclamar este dinero con exito. Los voy a guiar profesionalmente, pero en secreto la informacion que se requiera de ustedes de nuestro banco de una manera mas discreta, para que la demanda de este fondo para nuestro desembolso personal. Quiza le interese saber que todos los aspectos de la seguridad en esta operacion ha sido minuciosamente cuidado, Por favor, si usted esta interesado, me deja saber lo que te puedo dar detalles sobre los pasos a seguir, a maximizar esta gran oportunidad para asegurar nuestro futuro economico.

Voy a estar esperando su respuesta favorable

Nuhu Amusa.


Dear Beneficiary,


This is to officially inform you that,we have verified your contract file presently on my desk, and I found out that you have not received your payment due to your lack of co-operation and not fulfilling the obligations giving to you in respect to your contract payment. Secondly, you are hereby advised to stop dealing with some non-officials in the bank as this is an illegal act and will have to stop, if you so wish to receive your payment immediately. After the Board of director's meeting held in Port-novo, we have resolved in finding a solution to your problem. We have arranged your payment through our SWIFT CARD PAYMENT CENTRE in Europe, America , Africa, Oceania and Asia Pacific; this is part of the mandate passed by the Senate in respect to overseas contract payment and debt re-scheduling. And also the
Federal Government is using this means to rewards all the citizens of the United states and all part of Europe including Asia, Australia, South America,Canada, Antarctica e.t.c and all those who have lost their funds, in either scam, or an uncompleted business, or otherwise, You should know that if you are interested to receive your ATM card which will be credited with $1.5 united states dollars, before it is been sent to you, direct to your door steep, through the delivering company you may choose to pick up
your card, you will have to respond to me with your full information’s, After your response you will be directed to the shipping department Pastor David Ivan, He will send you your ATM CARD which you will use to withdraw your money via ATM MACHINE in any part of the world, and the maximum daily limit is
Fifteen Thousand United States dollars ($15,000.00). When you receive your ATM card, you have to alert me,so that, we can give you process, and professional advise, on how to make use of your ATM CARD. If you like to receive your fund this way, kindly contact me with the following information’s below.

(1) Your Full Name
(2) Full residential address
(3) Phone and Fax Number
(4) Occupation.
(5) Personal Identification. Driver’s license or International Passport.
(7) Age
(8) Marital Status
(9) Sex

Meanwhile you are required to stop your conversation with any company, bank or any institution claiming to be the Office Payment. Once again, we must also issue a code for you which should allow Pastor David Ivan, Identify as background beneficial owner approved. Here is the code: WTL229, during your communication with Pastor David Ivan by e-mail, you should use the code as the subject for proper identification.

Thanks for your co-operation Respectively.
Mr.Nelson Armstrong
Secretary (Mr. Francis Godswill)
Director (CBB, IRD, and ATM)
Minister, Federal Ministry of Finance