Monday, August 6, 2012

Business Proposal For You

Dear Friend,

Kindly view the attached letter for the business proposal

Mr Jorge Calderon (PhD)

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Beloved In Christ,

Calvary greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I am Mother Mabel Doma, a widow to Late Edward Doma, I am 65years old, I am now a new Christian convert, suffering from long time cancer of the breast. From all indications, my condition is serious and according to my doctor it is quite obvious that I may not survive the sickness, although as a Christian believer in God and I know that I will not die, I will live to declare the glory of God. My late husband and my only son were killed during the Ogoni Crisis here in Nigeria some years back and I am presently leaving with some domestic staffers, Our Lord Jesus Christ is my comforter.

I have the sum of $15,000,000.(Fifteen Million US Dollars)The fund is in cash, packaged in consignments deposited with a Central Bank of Frankfurt in Germany for safety and security reasons Presently all the documents concerning the consignments are with my lawyer. Now that my sickness has gone to this stage, I am scared i might die any time therefore i wish that the fund be used to the glory of God .This money is the Proceed from the sale of properties and shares and physical cash i inherited from my late husband. I have prayed and I told God to direct me to an honest Person who will receive this fund and utilize it for things that will glorify the name of God.

After my prayers,I searched the Christian sites in the internet, I found your email address and I decided to contact you. Please if you are honest faithful enough to use this fund strictly for the work of God, please send to ! me your full names and address to enable me give it to my family lawyer for immediate arrangement with the security company on how the consignments that contained the fund will be delivered to you.

Thanks and God bless you while waiting to hear from you.

Mother Mabel Doma

Here is the information of the First payment by Western Union


Your cheque directed in cash credited to file No: KTU/9023118308/03,has
been cashed and the first $4000, was sent today. We have concluded to
effect your payment through western union $4000 daily until the $950.000.00
is completed.

The information are below: MTCN =977 477 0040
Sender First Name is =William
Second Name = Phillips
Track your payment on the website :,

Please, Contact the operations officer of the western union money transfer
central office with the information below:
Name of operations officer: Mr James Gilbert
Telephone: +229 95-32-56-80

It is important you contact the operations officer; immediately with your
direct phone contact and your full name for reconfirmation and also to give
you the Test Question and Answer, before going to Western union to pick
this first payment; to avoid mistake,before he sent the second payment.
Like as I instructed send him your full information to reconfirm your
person for him to be able to identify your file and release the first
transfer to you without delay and wait for the second transfer..

Mr Justine Kendoh




A power of attorney was forwarded to our office this morning by two gentle men, one of them is an American national and he is MR DAVID DEANE by name while the other person is MR JACK MORGAN by name a CANADIAN national.
This gentlemen claimed to be your representative, and this power of attorney stated that you are dead, they brought an account to replace your informations in other to claim your fund of $8.5 Million USD which it is right now lying DORMANT and UNCLAIMED, below is the new account they have submitted:

ACCOUNT NO. 2984-0008-66

Be further informed that this power of attorney also stated that you suffered and died of a throat cancer. You are therefore given 24hrs to confirm the truth in this information, If you are still alive, You are to contact us back immediately, Because we work 24 hrs just to ensure that we monitor all the activities going on in regards to the transfer of beneficiaries inheritance and contract payment. Please you are hereby advice to reconfirm the below information to this honorable office for confirmation to help us serve you better.
Your Full Name.................
Your Country Address...........
Your Home Address..............
Tele Or Cell Phone...........
A Copy Of Your ID...............

You are to call this office immediately for clarifications on this matter as we shall be available 24 hrs to speak with you and give you the necessary guidelines on how to ensure that your payment is wired to you immediately.
Just also be informed that any further delay from your side could be dangerous, as we would not be held responsible of wrong payment.

Thank you.

Apostle Mark
International Monetary Funds Agent


Dear Friend

How are you today? Hope all is well with you and your family? I hope This mail meets you in a perfect condition. I am using this opportunity to thank you for your great effort to our unfinished transfer of fund into your account due to one reason or the other best known to you. But I want to inform you that I have successfully transferred the Cheque out of the company to someone else who was capable of assisting me in this great venture. Due to your effort, sincerity, courage and trust worthiness you showed at the course of the transaction I want to compensate you and show my gratitude to you with the sum of $1,000,000.00(One Million United States Of American Dollars) in respect to your lottery winnings Compensation.

I have authorized the finance house in the UK where I deposited my money to issue you international certified bank draft cashable at your bank.
My dear friend I will like you to contact the finance house for the collection of this international certified bank draft. The name and contact address of the Person with your Cheque is as follows.

Contact him with the following information
1. Full Name:
2. Residential Address:
3. Phone Number:
4. Fax Number:
5. Occupation:
6. Sex:
7. Age:
8. Nationality:
9. Country:

At the moment, I am very busy here because of the investment projects which I and my new partner are having at hand. Finally, remember that I have forwarded instruction to the finance house on your behalf to send the bank draft to you as soon as you contact them without delay. Please I will like you to accept this token with good faith as this is from the bottom of my heart. Thanks and God bless you and your family. Hope to hear from you soon.

Best Regards,
Mr percy jones