Monday, March 7, 2016

Email Lottery Winner [Congratulations]


Do you know that the Treasury swallows £10bn every year from unclaimed lottery payments and winnings yearly?

When you sign up/register for an email account or make use of your email account within a specific time frame, your email is automatically registered into worldwide Domains and emails are randomly selected from these domains for a national email lottery draw which is done every three months and winners would be notified by lotto officials or consultants such as myself.

Your email has won the sum of $5,000,000.00 in cash credited to a file in the National email lottery draw. Your e-mail address attached to: Winning numbers 10-14-27-31-32-47-41 Bonus Number. ( 41) WVW309553. Once you respond to this email with your details as listed below for claim, it would be verified and the your file would be forwarded to the paying bank(Harrods Bank UK) for payment process.

If however, you have received a previous notice about any fund or winnings but you have been unable to get it for what so ever reason, please also reply immediately with your name, address and phone number, so that your transaction can be processed and your funds made available to you within 72 hours. Send your replies and details such as, Full Name 2. Address: 3.Age/Gender 4. Occupation 5.Nationality 6.Phone Number ,7. Amount Won ; to the Fiduciary Agent below:

Mrs Kim Thomas

Mrs Jessica Schiller ( National Email Lottery.)

Email analysis :

NOTE : Received : from paixaoassociados
NOTE : by
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NOTE : X-Source-Args : /usr/bin/php /home/paixaoassociados/public_html/wp-includes/js/thickbox/ler.php

HELP glory

Mrs. Rebecca Garang
25 Smith Street, Darfur Southern Sudan.
A Widows Desperate Cry for Help.

Dear Friend,

This message may come to you as a surprise, but be assured it is in good faith from a widow in need. I am MRS. REBECCA GARANG the wife of late vice president of SUDAN, DR JOHN GARANG who happens to be the former rebel leader of THE SUDAN PEOPLES LIBERATION MOVEMENT (SPLM). My husband died on Saturday 30th of July 2005 on a sabotaged helicopter crash just three weeks after his inauguration on the 9th of July in our capital (KHARTOUM may his gentle soul rest in peace. I got your contact through SOUTHN AFRICAN BUSINESS NETWORK though I did not disclose the nature of the business to them during the process of searching for a reliable individual/company who can assist my family in transferring the sum ofUS$22 Million (Twenty Two Million United States Dollars only in a private or company account overseas for safe keeping/investment hence I decide to write you. Originally the money was mapped out to procure arms and ammunitions for the SPLM military wing and my husband was solely in charge of organizing this purchase. Unfortunately, as the news of the peace agreement breached my husband while he was still in South Africa to make the arms procurement, he used the opportunity to divert this money for our family future use. He was fortunate to be in South Africa when the news came and he deposited this money in a sealed consignment (CASH) as a family valuable for security reasons in a sealed metal box containing the fund with a security company in South Africa. After depositing the money he came back and notified the and my son (JEFFERY MABIOR GARANG) about the money ,he also handed over the documents to us before he was inaugurated along with other top SPLM officials, the cabinet of the incumbent president OMAR AL BASHIR has denied any government involvement in masterminding the death of my beloved husband. As a fami ly we have agreed to offe

Yours faithfully


For the family

Email analysis :


RE: Hledání partnerství (Scam)

Hledání partnerství

Jsem zastupující investiční zájem ze strany Dubaje ; a zájem zahraničních investic zahrnující velký objem finančních prostředků , pro které se snažíme svou účast jako v zámoří zástupce zvládnout investice. Odpověď na e-mailu níže v případě zájmu .



Email analysis :

NOTE : Received : from

NOTE : Received : from EXMAIL1.NATOMAS.USD ([])
NOTE : by exmail1 ([])

Mrs. Maria Gomez

Brauchen Sie Geschäft-Darlehen, Privatkredit, landwirtschaftliche Darlehen oder Projektfinanzierung? Wir haben gute Nachrichten für Sie. Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie bitte:

Do you need business loan, personal loan, agricultural loan or project funding? We have good news for you. For more info, please Contact:

Info Dept.
e-Loan copyright ©2016

Email analysis :

NOTE : client-ip=;


Atención: Beneficiario,

Esto es para señalar a su atención que un pago en efectivo de $2,200,000.00 sido un pago de compensación por ser una víctima de fraude por Internet en línea/estafa ha sido emitida a su nombre y la suma será pagada por el Standard Bank de Sudáfrica. Debe ponerse en contacto con nuestra oficina de pago con sus datos personales para la verificación, la reactivación y el pago inmediato;

Nombres completos:................
Direccion de casa:..............
Número de teléfono:..........

Tras la verificación de sus datos, se le notificará sobre los requisitos para la aprobación de su fondo. Por otra parte, se informó que el respaldo que le costará $250 (Doscientos cincuenta dólares) sólo después de lo cual nuestra oficina central autorizará el Standard Bank de Sudáfrica para llevar a cabo la transferencia de su fondo a su cuenta bancaria designada. Póngase en contacto con nosotros inmediatamente para obtener más aclaraciones en relación con su pago.


Roland Watson
Teléfono: (+27) 633 374 307.

Email analysis :

NOTE : User-Agent : Roundcube Webmail/1.0.6
NOTE : Received : from []
NOTE : (port=45911
NOTE : by

Peter Vandrous

"Вам нужен кредит, чтобы начать свой бизнес или оплатить свои счета кредитов, имеющихся в России и в Соединенных Штатах, мы выдаем кредит на 2% Процентная ставка, отправить на e-mail сегодня:? ( в минимальном количестве 4000 до 10000000 и наши кредиты доступны в различных валютах, таких как (£ фунты, евро € и в долларах США $) Так что, пожалуйста, если вы заинтересованы, пожалуйста, предоставьте следующую информацию. Заемщиком или заявка на участие ====== ========================== Имя заявителя (Ф.И.О.): ................ .... Пол: ............ .. Состояние: ............ .. сумма кредита необходимо: ............... займа Продолжительность:. ............... Цель займа: ............... Ежемесячный доход: ... ............ Адрес:.. ............... Телефон:. ............... Род занятий:. ............... Страна: ............... Город:.. ............... Возраст: ...... ......... .. Прикладной Перед Спасибо и надеюсь услышать от вас в ближайшее время E-mail:?. "......
" Vam nuzhen kredit , chtoby nachat' svoy biznes ili oplatit' svoi scheta kreditov, imeyushchikhsya v Rossii i v Soyedinennykh Shtatakh, my vydayem kredit na 2 % Protsentnaya stavka , otpravit' na e-mail segodnya : ? ( ) v minimal'nom kolichestve 4000 do 10000000 i nashi kredity dostupny v razlichnykh valyutakh , takikh kak ( £ funty , yevro € i v dollarakh SSHA $) Tak chto, pozhaluysta , yesli vy zainteresovany , pozhaluysta , predostav'te sleduyushchuyu informatsiyu . Zayemshchikom ili zayavka na uchastiye ====== ========================== Imya zayavitelya ( F.I.O.) : ................ .... Pol: ............ .. Sostoyaniye : ............ .. summa kredita neobkhodimo: ............... zayma Prodolzhitel'nost': . ............... Tsel' zayma : ............... Yezhemesyachnyy dokhod : ... ............ Adres: . . ............... Telefon : . ............... Rod zanyatiy : . ............... Strana: ............... Gorod: . . ............... Vozrast: ...... ......... .. Prikladnoy Pered Spasibo i nadeyus' uslyshat' ot vas v blizhaysheye vremya E-mail : ? . "

Email analysis :